
Welcome, everyone, I am The Black Watcher. That does not refer to my skin colour, as I am in fact a white male from Scotland, but it does bare reference to my family army regiment 'The Black Watch'. As the word 'watcher' suggests, I am a fan of film and television...and video games e.t.c. This will be the foundation upon which my humble blog will be built, and that is reviews. I won't set any strict date for new reviews as the unpredictability of secondary education has somewhat crippled my ability of foresight beyond what I can currently repair, and as a result of this I can't really stick to any deadlines. Now, there are many things I cannot guarantee but here are some things that I can. I will not be biased (a media text is a media text, regardless of who made it) and I will not water down my opinions. For example, if I believe one film to be the complete embodiment of cinematic perfection, I'll tell you, and if I believe a film to be the epitome of my dread and sufffering in a motion picture format, I will also tell you. One other thing is that I will, as much as it pains me to say, watch films and play games that I would normally not even allow into my home for the benefit of my currently non existent fanbase. So whether you're just an innocent, internet dwelling member of the general public looking for something to read, or just a fan of media who is looking for a critic who may appeal to them, I will try my best to please you all.

Do svidanya

If you have any queries/opportunities, please contact me at www.facebook.com/blackwatcherreviews.

Sunday, 8 December 2013

'Green Arrow' #26 Comic Review

For quite some time now, Green Arrow has been *the* DC book for me, with a lot of that adoration surrounding Lemire and Sorrentino’s work on replacing Ollie’s previously barren mythology with a far more engrossing and exciting take on his origins and his family. Namely, the idea of the different totem clans and the Outsiders have managed to work their way quite seamlessly into the character’s story, the likes of which haven’t been seen since Andy Diggle and Jock’s ‘Green Arrow: Year One’. Now the time has come for all the build-up regarding the Outsiders and the clans to finally come together in the form of the 6 issue arc named ‘The Outsiders War’. To say I was hyped would be somewhat of an understatement.

The book's art, as before, needs no introduction. Sorrentino and Maiolo hit their mark every single time, with their famous double page splashes returning once again to great effect. The way this particular issue is drawn makes it feel more like a Hollywood epic than just a conventional comic book, with sweeping establishing shots blending seamlessly alongside detailed close-ups and mids of character interaction and expression, which ultimately make this issue all the more enjoyable to read as well as to gaze upon in sweet admiration and jealousy. However, never to abandon his calling cards, the familiar panelling style of Sorrentino returns once again for one particularly imaginative scene regarding Ollie’s time on the island which I was left particularly pleased with as it incorporated both his interesting grasp on temporality as well as his semi-monochrome panels for emphasis on particular things of interest. Also, as a wee side note, that cover is just outright stunning.

As I mentioned before, this is the first part of ‘The Outsiders War’ arc, and so you would be excused for predicting that this issue would be fairly sub-standard in comparison to other issues. This, thankfully, is not the case with GA #26. While this issue may not be the high octane action packed arrow fest that many of Green Arrow’s recent issues have been (not a bad thing either way) it still serves as a very interesting, albeit quite tame, introduction into this arc. The concept of the network of clans amongst the Outsiders is further developed upon, with the re-emergence of two characters that recent readers are bound to recognise, reinforcing the idea of a hierarchy among these individual orders. This is again expanded upon through the creation of a new villain who takes his position as the head of the shield clan. Readers of GA #25 should recognise him as the big bugger who booted Ollie off of a cliff at the end of the issue. His name is infact (I don’t consider this a spoiler as it is already a piece of info that’s readily available online) Kodiak, and he looks pretty bloody menacing, although I’ll leave the rest of that discovery to you. This issue gives an overriding sense of something far bigger than just one character’s story, especially one who isn’t even held with the same level of reverence as the likes of Batman (for some undoubtedly ridiculous and disappointing reason), but that is where the concept on paper is beaten to the ground by the execution, as something that feels too big for Ollie alone actually feels quite right, and that is impressive. Although I feel that without Ollie’s current supporting cast, it wouldn’t be quite as well fitting, but that is, again, a credit to Lemire’s storytelling and character building abilities.


Green Arrow #26 is yet another fantastic issue that, while not being as explosive as previous issues, is still just as enjoyable a read as any of the others, leaving me wanting more from this arc which already has the potential to be one of the best, if not the best, Green Arrow arcs ever. This is how Green Arrow should have been from the start of the New 52, and hopefully it will stay this way.

