
Welcome, everyone, I am The Black Watcher. That does not refer to my skin colour, as I am in fact a white male from Scotland, but it does bare reference to my family army regiment 'The Black Watch'. As the word 'watcher' suggests, I am a fan of film and television...and video games e.t.c. This will be the foundation upon which my humble blog will be built, and that is reviews. I won't set any strict date for new reviews as the unpredictability of secondary education has somewhat crippled my ability of foresight beyond what I can currently repair, and as a result of this I can't really stick to any deadlines. Now, there are many things I cannot guarantee but here are some things that I can. I will not be biased (a media text is a media text, regardless of who made it) and I will not water down my opinions. For example, if I believe one film to be the complete embodiment of cinematic perfection, I'll tell you, and if I believe a film to be the epitome of my dread and sufffering in a motion picture format, I will also tell you. One other thing is that I will, as much as it pains me to say, watch films and play games that I would normally not even allow into my home for the benefit of my currently non existent fanbase. So whether you're just an innocent, internet dwelling member of the general public looking for something to read, or just a fan of media who is looking for a critic who may appeal to them, I will try my best to please you all.

Do svidanya

If you have any queries/opportunities, please contact me at www.facebook.com/blackwatcherreviews.

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

'Revenge' #1 Comic Review


The cover for ‘Revenge’ is beautiful. It really is very well done. The grey of the figure with blood sprayed around him and his red tinted goggles look superb. You know what they say about not judging a book by its cover though. Where ‘I, Vampire’ Volume 1 had a terrible cover but a stunning interior, ‘Revenge’ #1 manages to do the exact opposite, by having some of the worst examples of comic book ‘art’ I have ever seen, hidden within its pages. The grotesquely boring violence and unnecessary sex in the book is drawn with about as much artistic flair as a broken nose, and the ‘humans’ within the book look as if they’ve been savaged by a black marker and bathed in a sea of Olive oil. It is quite truly awful, and not much else can be said about the interior as a result.



The story follows Griffin Franks, an actor whose glory days are far behind him, as he portrays the on screen vigilante ‘The Revenger’. This is about as far as I can go with the story of this book. The rest of this piece is completely debased by the gratuitously overused violence and sex that stalk the book’s pages, melded with a particularly bland, boring and also somewhat indecisive set of character dialogues that add very little to the overall experience of the book, out with their ability to distract you from the artistic genocide occurring elsewhere on the page. For the sake of objectivity I must say that Ross does a very minimal job of making ‘The Revenger’ seem ever so slightly believable, but even then this is crushed by the book’s obsessive need to remind the reader that revenge is the overriding theme and drive of the book’s story.


In terms of readability, some may find the book quite difficult to actually go through as a result of the abundance of, quite frankly, disturbing imagery that is contained within its pages. This is also not assisted by the books generic dialogue that remains highly uninteresting and tasking to read through.


‘Revenge’ #1 is a horrendous excuse for a comic book that was better suited as a tree than it is as paper. Please, do not buy this, as Image need to be alerted to this book’s lack of quality immediately.



'The Conjuring' (2013) Film Review


‘The Conjuring’ is loosely based upon the ‘real life haunting’ of the Perron family, which occurred in 1971 at their Farmhouse in Rhode Island. The usual ‘New House Horror’ cliché is the base foundation of the film’s plot, which is to be expected from a Wan film, with a couple of flashbacks tying into the story time events of the film. In many ways, this could have been the setup for a fairly run of the mill, jump scare cash in like many other films, but the way in which the story is handled creates a more interesting and deeply explored experience. It makes use of the source material well, and manages to create a relatively well thought out mythology around the demon, Bathsheba, and her presence in the Perron family home. Although the film is not without its share of plot holes and too good to be true moments, that are becoming far more present in the genre’s modern form. These are, however, far from film breaking, and aren’t inherently noticeable without the application of the proverbial fine tooth comb, and even then, they are little more than a slight annoyance.

Acting + Visuals-

The general acting standard within ‘The Conjuring’ is surprisingly high. Where other films’ child actors fall down face first, the children within ‘The Conjuring’ do a good job at translating the imagined fear of the character into a quite commendable visual display, making the audience genuinely feel like the actors, as well as the characters themselves, are terrified of what is happening in their new home. Their expressions are remarkably believable, as opposed to being overly exaggerated and silly, and their vocal delivery is surprisingly powerful when required, both in scenes of horror and scenes of family building. The same can be said about almost all of the remaining cast members. The two leads (Wilson and Farmiga) are particularly compelling as the real life paranormal investigators, Ed and Lorraine Warren. They bring a feeling of expertise and stability towards the beginning of their appearance within the film, slowly descending into an admirably portrayed feeling of past turmoil and dread that builds with the tension of the film’s events. A similarly noteworthy dual performance comes from the film’s other on screen couple (Livingston and Taylor) as the husband and wife of the Perron family, Roger and Carolyn. They play the roles of both loving parents and terrified victims with equal success, coming across as a believable relatable couple. The supporting cast is also, again, surprisingly good, with even the most irrelevant characters such as the town Sheriff being portrayed with a certain level of expertise and quality. In terms of the film’s visual presentation, the usual theme of heavy contrast and a de-saturated colour palette is employed with no significantly ground-breaking effect, other than the usual tonal implications of this chosen visual style. The camera work carries James Wan’s trademarked use of extreme close ups and long cuts throughout very closely linked rooms, that add a sense of claustrophobia to the setting, as well as a menace, in particular in the case of the infamous ‘Abigail’ doll, through the use of extreme close ups. The minimal CGI that is used in the film is, while not perfect, good enough to add to certain scenes without taking the audience out of the immersion completely.


Not much can be said about the score of ‘The Conjuring’ that can’t be said about any other modern horror film soundtrack. It’s use, however, can be commended, as the right balance of silence and sudden bursts of orchestral intensity is achieved quite comfortably throughout the film, with the screaming violins of ‘Insidious’ being reintroduced with a slightly less sudden, and more dragged out and intense use of grindingly suspenseful strings that makes certain scenes all the more terrifying as a result.

Watchability (Fear Factor for horror)-

Do not be fooled, as this is a very scary film. It is definitely one of the scariest Wan-era horrors I have ever seen, with Sinister taking the second place. What ‘The Conjuring’ does better than its predecessor ‘Insidious’, is undoubtedly the film’s building of tension. Rather than going with the usual output of jumpscare after jumpscare, Wan instead favours a far more intelligent and scary approach, akin to the likes of ‘The Exorcist’. With long cuts and tense, dragged out music, being used very effectively to build a level of tension that ultimately makes what starts as a very slow film (for the right reasons, however) into a memorably frightening horror with a reasonable climax that, while not as clever as the rest of the film, is still quite frightening, incorporating a mix of both the classic exorcism, with the more modern rollercoaster jumpscares so often seen nowadays. Does the final ending pay off though? This question I would have to answer with a no. While not the most dissatisfying ending in cinema, it still seemed somewhat too easy for me to feel truly satisfied. It did, however, set itself up quite well for a sequel.


‘The Conjuring’ is an enjoyably scary film with plenty of tension and scares that feel less cheap, and cleverer than any Wan-era horror before it. While not the most satisfying in the ending department, ‘The Conjuring’ still brings more than enough horror fun to the table to warrant a good night in with the lights out and the volume up high.



Saturday, 22 March 2014

'I, Vampire' Vol. 1 Comic Review

Now, before you read this review, please note that the picture above was chosen as opposed to the book's cover, as the cover that was chosen is, to put it bluntly, awful, and completely unrepresentative of how brilliant this book really is.


This book has some of the earlier works from my favourite artist, Andrea Sorrentino, and his equally talented colourist friend, Marcelo Maiolo. Need I say any more? These two are the best in the industry. I say that as fact, because there is no other artistic pair in the world of comic books that surprise me in their work as much as Sorrentino and Maiolo. Sorrentino’s work here, while not as refined as his work in Green Arrow, is still absolutely mystifying, with his trademarked use of strong, heavy shadow in his inkwork, as well as the minimalistic feel of his character’s expressions, come together to create an atmosphere of mystery and horror. This is met perfectly by the dark greys and deep blood reds used by Maiolo on both his human and vampire characters, but still with enough contrast between the two to give each race a clear distinction, in particular with the menacing reds used on the bleak faces of the vampires. One thing to be noted alongside this is how well the pair manages to construct the settings for the book, from the rundown darkness of Gotham city, to the moonlit riverside where Andrew and Mary are first introduced. This particular scene captures Sorrentino’s ability to draw not only human characters, but the mystical ones as well, particularly the vampires in their other forms as wolves and giant winged beasts, with each act of transformation and transmutation shrouded in a stunning smoke effect that is used frequently.This blending of traditional horror mythology, and arcane visuals creates a very unique and compelling environment for the story to unfold in. In terms of character design, Sorrentino has managed to take Andrew Bennett’s old design and replace it with a far more modern and, in some respects, likeable design, whilst still retaining on of the character’s trademarks in the form of his grey hair streak. Sorrentino has also achieved a particularly commendable feat in designing a vampire that I believe could be one of the best there is. With the modern design of their clothing blending seamlessly alongside the traditional romanticism of vampires as a race, while still retaining their terrifying nature with a grotesque, yet surprisingly fitting set of facial features that appear during bloodlust such as an essential split across the face, revealing a sea of razor sharp teeth, and bloodshot eyes with dilated pupils. The art, in my eyes, could not have been more suited to this book.


 The book follows Andrew Bennett, a vampire who has lived for centuries, long enough to become near immortal, and his quest to defend humanity from his captivatingly sadistic ex-girlfriend, Mary, Queen of Blood. As ridiculous as that may sound, the book is in fact incredibly interesting, and the story is genuinely compelling throughout. It explores a number of themes in a beautifully reflective manner, with Andrew and Mary taking centre stage throughout as the two main characters of the story. Morality, love, regret and many other topics are discussed in a way that only two age old vampires could discuss them. It’s romantic, it’s tragic, it’s action filled and above all else, it makes you want to read more. I was lucky enough to already have bought the second volume by the time I finished the first one, so that I could dive straight in again, and there are not many books out there that manage to strike such a powerful feeling of urgency into me that forces me to find the next chapter as soon as possible. This story is one that could have easily been badly handled and most likely ruined by any other writer, but Fialkov managed to make the reader empathise and sympathise with the characters in the book by exploring themes that any human can understand. That is where the genius comes through. These human elements are being explored and debated through the eyes of someone who by definition is non-human, and this unique perspective, that of a man who has lived for hundreds of lifetimes, allows for the reader to even more deeply understand the character’s emotions and compulsions, despite his inhumanity.


‘ I, Vampire’ Vol. 1 is, on the whole, a very well balanced read, with enough text to keep the story engaging and fulfilling, but not enough to make each page feel like a chore. Even the more text heavy pages are made far less arduous by the stunning artwork, making this a very easy and fun read.


‘I, Vampire’ Volume 1 is a must for fans of horror comics, action comics, romance comics or any comic. With hauntingly beautiful imagery and a gripping, emotional, character driven story, you really could not ask for more.



Saturday, 15 March 2014

Blog Status Update #1: BWR One Shot intro

Hey guys, a quick update regarding the blog's new tab, BWR One Shots, these are essentially just articles that I'll be writing about a variety of things, much like a Black Watcher Talks video, but with a little more structure to them. I hope you enjoy them!

BWR One Shot #1: Violence and heroes

Imagine it now: Superman, in all his shining glory, the blue and red soul of the US of A, gleefully brandishing a Kryptonian Pulse rifle, as he rains his own brand of fiery incapacitation upon the crowds of human miscreants below him. Yeah, doesn’t sound too natural, does it?

What I’ve noticed during my travels in the world of comics, games and films is that the use of weaponry by heroes, and the reaction it garners from said hero’s fanbase, is extremely varied and sometimes a bit bewildering. Where a character such as Deadpool is glorified and idolised (somewhat unjustly considering how few stories of his have been genuinely interesting) by casuals and devout fans alike for his trademarked gratuitous, humorous and weapon filled violence, yet Superman in Zack Snyder’s somewhat divisive reboot, ‘Man of Steel’ (2013) was vilified and generally cited for (SPOILER ALERT) breaking General Zod’s neck at the end of a film in what was clearly an effort to stop any further death/destruction that may have taken place had Zod stayed alive, and it was also made clear that killing Zod took a huge toll on Superman after he let out a shout that would make Dinah Lance proud. What is it that is so acceptable about Deadpool’s brand of violence when pitted against the die-hard restraint of the likes of Batman and Superman that (unfortunately for them) doesn’t always pay off?

Now I know a lot of this can be put down to the characters themselves, after all, Supes is supposed to be the greatest beacon of “Truth, Justice, and the American Way!” that there ever was. However, I can’t help but feel like this prejudice is completely unjustified.

Take Green Arrow; a highly popular character who now has two comic series of his own (as well as appearances in other titles) as well as a hugely popular TV series that has led to the expansion of DC Entertainment’s television presence with the eve of the new Flash series fast approaching (hehe), yet in his comic he straight up kills people. Not just maiming or dishing out many variants on the term grievous bodily harm, but genuinely putting them down without a care in the world. Now I love Green Arrow more than any other character but even I have to admit that that is pretty damn cold. That doesn’t affect his sales though. Why care so much about the ethics of Spidey, Batman and Supes if you’re just going to wash over the triggers and three fingered gloves of the more violent characters?

I’m not trying to complain, because if I’m honest I really don’t care if someone else complains about it, but what I do dislike is the sort of reaction that the likes of the MOS ending received from some who clearly don’t take this point into consideration as they type their comments, DP shirt and belt buckle at the ready.

Oh wait, I forgot, it’s *absolutely* ok because he’s ‘funny’.

Monday, 10 March 2014

Saturday, 8 March 2014

The Black Watcher Talks: Green Arrow #29's End

Fresh off the line! This one is an absolute shocker! 

The Black Watcher Talks: Bow Hunting

I hope this video sheds some light on a pretty nasty and divisive topic,but one that needs discussed.

The Black Watcher Talks: The Lego Movie Video Game

It's a shame that the combat system is so flawed. Not great.

The Black Pleb Watchers of Wrestling: Episode 2

Episode 2 everybody

'Harley Quinn' #3 Comic Review

This series has been nothing but great fun since it started :D I highly recommend it!

The Black Watcher Talks: Twitch Shooters

With Titanfall coming up, I felt it appropriate to do this little beauty r.e the most divisive genre in gaming.