
Welcome, everyone, I am The Black Watcher. That does not refer to my skin colour, as I am in fact a white male from Scotland, but it does bare reference to my family army regiment 'The Black Watch'. As the word 'watcher' suggests, I am a fan of film and television...and video games e.t.c. This will be the foundation upon which my humble blog will be built, and that is reviews. I won't set any strict date for new reviews as the unpredictability of secondary education has somewhat crippled my ability of foresight beyond what I can currently repair, and as a result of this I can't really stick to any deadlines. Now, there are many things I cannot guarantee but here are some things that I can. I will not be biased (a media text is a media text, regardless of who made it) and I will not water down my opinions. For example, if I believe one film to be the complete embodiment of cinematic perfection, I'll tell you, and if I believe a film to be the epitome of my dread and sufffering in a motion picture format, I will also tell you. One other thing is that I will, as much as it pains me to say, watch films and play games that I would normally not even allow into my home for the benefit of my currently non existent fanbase. So whether you're just an innocent, internet dwelling member of the general public looking for something to read, or just a fan of media who is looking for a critic who may appeal to them, I will try my best to please you all.

Do svidanya

If you have any queries/opportunities, please contact me at www.facebook.com/blackwatcherreviews.

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

'Revenge' #1 Comic Review


The cover for ‘Revenge’ is beautiful. It really is very well done. The grey of the figure with blood sprayed around him and his red tinted goggles look superb. You know what they say about not judging a book by its cover though. Where ‘I, Vampire’ Volume 1 had a terrible cover but a stunning interior, ‘Revenge’ #1 manages to do the exact opposite, by having some of the worst examples of comic book ‘art’ I have ever seen, hidden within its pages. The grotesquely boring violence and unnecessary sex in the book is drawn with about as much artistic flair as a broken nose, and the ‘humans’ within the book look as if they’ve been savaged by a black marker and bathed in a sea of Olive oil. It is quite truly awful, and not much else can be said about the interior as a result.



The story follows Griffin Franks, an actor whose glory days are far behind him, as he portrays the on screen vigilante ‘The Revenger’. This is about as far as I can go with the story of this book. The rest of this piece is completely debased by the gratuitously overused violence and sex that stalk the book’s pages, melded with a particularly bland, boring and also somewhat indecisive set of character dialogues that add very little to the overall experience of the book, out with their ability to distract you from the artistic genocide occurring elsewhere on the page. For the sake of objectivity I must say that Ross does a very minimal job of making ‘The Revenger’ seem ever so slightly believable, but even then this is crushed by the book’s obsessive need to remind the reader that revenge is the overriding theme and drive of the book’s story.


In terms of readability, some may find the book quite difficult to actually go through as a result of the abundance of, quite frankly, disturbing imagery that is contained within its pages. This is also not assisted by the books generic dialogue that remains highly uninteresting and tasking to read through.


‘Revenge’ #1 is a horrendous excuse for a comic book that was better suited as a tree than it is as paper. Please, do not buy this, as Image need to be alerted to this book’s lack of quality immediately.



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