This is my first step into yet another unknown territory,
like a colonial period American with an interest in the world’s media. TV is
one of those things that I have never fully explored up till this point as I
felt that reviewing TV would be simply too difficult to do. Whatever the case,
however, I’ve decided that it’s worth a try, so now I need to define a format,
and here it is:
TV- Story, Acting Quality + Presentation, Watchability,
Verdict, Score
This is fairly similar to my Film format, without music
being judged, as I feel that TV’s use of music is too minor to hold its own
section, so I have mixed it in with visuals to bring presentation as an
alternative. Now that the technicality is out of the way, it’s time to move on
to the fun stuff, i.e the review itself. It will be separate to this piece,
just for the sake of it not looking daft in the title, but I can tell you that
the first ever BWR Television review is of
‘Hannibal’ season 2 episode 1!
As usual, feel free to rate it or slate it, and any
feedback/suggestions would be appreciated!
Do svidanya, folks.
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