
Welcome, everyone, I am The Black Watcher. That does not refer to my skin colour, as I am in fact a white male from Scotland, but it does bare reference to my family army regiment 'The Black Watch'. As the word 'watcher' suggests, I am a fan of film and television...and video games e.t.c. This will be the foundation upon which my humble blog will be built, and that is reviews. I won't set any strict date for new reviews as the unpredictability of secondary education has somewhat crippled my ability of foresight beyond what I can currently repair, and as a result of this I can't really stick to any deadlines. Now, there are many things I cannot guarantee but here are some things that I can. I will not be biased (a media text is a media text, regardless of who made it) and I will not water down my opinions. For example, if I believe one film to be the complete embodiment of cinematic perfection, I'll tell you, and if I believe a film to be the epitome of my dread and sufffering in a motion picture format, I will also tell you. One other thing is that I will, as much as it pains me to say, watch films and play games that I would normally not even allow into my home for the benefit of my currently non existent fanbase. So whether you're just an innocent, internet dwelling member of the general public looking for something to read, or just a fan of media who is looking for a critic who may appeal to them, I will try my best to please you all.

Do svidanya

If you have any queries/opportunities, please contact me at www.facebook.com/blackwatcherreviews.

Friday, 25 October 2013

'Hawkeye' #13 Comic Review

Hawkeye is finally back! After a short hiatus, everyone’s favourite purple wearing archer has returned and he’s back in good fashion. The art by David Aja is fantastic. It’s unique, it’s colourful and it nails Clint’s character perfectly, with a focus on a purple colour palette, much like Sorrentino’s work on the incredible Green Arrow series from DC. This gives the book a very distinctive tone and feel. The story focusses on the return of focus towards Clint, rather than Kate and Lucky. It’s emotional and it really does hit hard. Clint is in a bad way at the moment and Fraction really lets you know it. One interesting note is the reappearance of Clint’s actual Hawkeye costume, something rarely seen in the book considering that it’s a series called Hawkeye, but funnily enough, that is one of the books best aspects. It doesn’t rely on acts of super heroism or feats of metahuman strength to make the comic readable, it simply relies on a genuinely gripping story of human drama. It follows the story of a man who should have it all, being an Avenger, when it’s quite clear that he doesn’t. That is what I love about this book, it really makes you go deeper than just the hero, something that  doesn’t happen often enough in this art form.

Hawkeye #13 is an emotional return to the life of Clint Barton that left me ready for more.



Copyright Jamie King 2013, All Rights Reserved, permissions may be granted upon request.

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